Being a Pharmacist.

       Well normally when you search for the word "pharmacist" you get the terms related to medicines or prescribing drugs or any other material which deals with the same. When I took admission for pharmacy I also thought the same. But as the time passed I came to know that being a pharmacist doesn't only mean prescribing the drugs, it is a term which is the basis for introducing new drugs or we can say advanced drugs and medical treatment in the society.
      So if you are someone who want to be a pharmacist or confused about the future plans in pharma sector you should not worry at all. This is because pharmacy is one of sectors which has a large scope in and outside India. All you need to know is which department you wanna be a expert in.
      Pharmacy has various departments like pharmacology which is my favorite  one, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmacognosy, also the legislation department if you are interested.
      Each of the above department deals with different terms but all are related to each other and hence pharma.  
     I have created this blog so that I could share some of my  pharma college experiences which I feel will be helpful to those who are unaware of what being a pharmacist is actually like and also for those who have chosen it as there career.
      So this was a brief introduction of my blog and if you find it interesting please do subscribe to my blog and also share it to your friends and family. I said family because most of times when relatives know that we are planning for being a pharmacist then they think that it only means dispensing the medicines in a "medical" and nothing else. So please share it as much as possible.
                                        THANK YOU!!!


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