A student guide for freshers
At the starting of graduation most of students are confused about their
overall performance in college and they do not know that how to focus on the
degree and give their best.
So here are
the tips for your B.Pharmacy-
1)Make friends: Yes, that is right. The
first thing that you have to do when you start with your graduation is to make
friends.This is the most important thing that you have to do. Keep yourself
open for conversation with your classmates. This will help you to understand
different personalities and hence you can learn different things(good things)
from them which will induce your confidence. Hence try to communicate with
others and also try to enjoy your college life, because unless until you love
your college life you will not try to do your best in these days.
2)Always try to be at the front 2-3 rows
during your lecture:
No, this is not about being the most favorite student of teacher. Being at the
front rows helps to avoid distraction during lecture, this is because when we are
at front we are more noticeable to teachers and hence we always pay attention
to the lecture. Most of students are afraid of being at front because they feel
that they will be asked questions by teachers which they may not be able to
answer and will get insulted. Trust me nothing like that is going to happen, in
fact if you don't know the answer you can simply say I don't know but I will
definitely find out the same. This will help you to interact with teachers and
hence induce your confidence.
3)Ask doubts to your teachers: In case you do not understand any concept please raise your hands and be free to ask about it to the teacher. It will not make you look fool but studious. Asking doubts is really important because if don't understand any point then it may trouble you during your examination. The most important thing is to understand the concept. If you know why are you really manufacturing a tablet only then you will succeed in it.
4) Revise everyday: The most important tip. you might think that what's new in that, it's obvious or some may think that it can be done before exams also; trust me it won't work, because pharmacy is not a joke. If you don't understand the concept you won't be able to cover the syllabus before exams.Because the syllabus is very vast and you do not get so much time before exams as you have journal submission and other activities also. It only takes 1-2 hours to revise if you really pay attention during lectures and if you still have any doubt do not forget to get cleared by your teachers.
5)Use reference books for study: First of all you need to know what are reference books. Reference books are written by experts in the respective field. For example, if you want to study one particular chapter or point in detail you get it through reference books. sometimes you get all the points you need in one reference book and sometimes you have different books for the same point by different authors. These reference books help understand the the concept clearly. But try not to use reference books just before exams as it will confuse you a lot.
Now you must
be wondering why such contradictory sentence? Let me explain, reference books
have lots of detailing which is helpful to understand the concept but there are
some extra points which are not that much important for exams point of view. If
you use these just before exams you get confused about what to study and and
what to not and it wastes your time, hence unless you get used to study from
reference books do not use them just before exams.You can use the books that
contain the whole syllabus during exams as they are short and easy to complete
the syllabus within time.
6) Try to participate in different college
activities: Whether
you are good in studies or not try to participate in college activities like
anchoring in seminars, organizing different events also other activities like
sports and annual functions. This helps to build your personality without
enrolling for any personality development course somewhere else. You get to
learn organizational skills , communication skills etc. which play an important
roll in your personality and also makes a good impression on your CV at the
time of interview.
7)Try to attain college level and National
level seminars: Seminars
which are organized by college at any level help to get information on new
advances in the industry. The lecturers in the seminar are most of times
experts from the field and have various experiences that they have faced during
there struggle. Such informational seminars help give you right directions and
idea about what your future goals should be and how to achieve them. I also got
the idea for blogging from one of the seminars conducted my my college. If your
college also provides you such facilities please never miss them. Because all
these factors help you to be a good and successful pharmacist.
8)Study smart: I hope you've understood
about the material you should use for study and how to use it(If not please
feel free to ask your queries in the comment section below). Now, let's know
how to study smart. The best way to study for each subject is using a syllabus
copy for the same. You can get syllabus copy of your academic year at the
university website or through academic section of your college. All you have to
do is study points that are mentioned in your syllabus copy (For example,
Chapter 1: point A,point B, point C, etc.). Hence make sure each point is
studied by you. This method saves your time during study so that you will not
study for unwanted stuff during exams.
Another way to study
smart is by referring previous year question papers. This helps you understand
the pattern of exam and also you will have a clear idea about which points are
most important for exams so that you won't miss them. This technique is also
more useful in scoring marks as at least 40-50% questions are repeated most of
times. But
it does not mean that you will depend upon question paper only. This method is only for
saving your time and revising syllabus in an easy way.
So these were some
tips to get through your pharma graduation and I hope it was a useful blog or
you all.
For any queries you
can use the comments section below and please follow my blog and share it if
you like it.
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